Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Review: Diamond Edge SB-1 by Bowtech

As the first bow I’ve ever owned, I’m pleased to say the Diamond Edge SB-1 by Bowtech has lived up to and surpassed even my highest expectations. So much so, in fact, that my husband bought himself one this past weekend. 

Diamond Edge Sb-1 in Mossy Oak (Also comes in Black, Purple, and Blue)

There are two main concepts behind this bow that just put it miles above even the closest competitor -versatility and value. Not only is the SB-1 already priced in the lower range for bows with an average MSRP now of $399; you also have the added value of never needing to purchase new limbs for this bow to increase the weight.

Diamond has implemented a technology called the EZ-Adjust system. This allows an archer to go from 7lb up to 70lb with just a few turns of a wrench. This system is so simple to use, even the greenest archer can effetely adjust their own bow at home. Diamond even went the extra mile and created dedicated website and how to videos. Furthermore, you can set the draw length from 15-30 just as easily. With such a wide draw and weight range and being so well made, it’s perfect for passing down to future generations.

Upon holding the SB1 for the first time, I recall taking note of the extensive standard equipment
package preloaded onto the bow. This package includes: a 3-Pin Tundra Sight, Hostage XL Arrow Rest, DeadLock Lite Octane Quiver, 5" Ultra-Lite Octane Stabilizer, Carbon Peep Sight, BCY String Loop, and Diamond Comfort Wrist Sling. The SB-1 is lightweight at 3.6lb and has a 7 in brace hit.

My first time drawing this bow I clearly remember how awkward I was. Unable to pull it to full draw at 34lb the first day I had to settle for 28lb. After only shooting this bow for four days I was able to go up to 34lb. I even managed to pull 43lb to full draw twice -in four days. I was in complete awe at how much I was improving and so quickly for a beginner.

The ease of motion when drawing is streamline. The SB-1 has a let off around 80% but honestly it feels closer to some of the 75% let off bows I’ve tried. Figuring out how to adjust a sight on a bow for the first time was piece of cake.

The precision and accuracy of this bow are unmatched as it’s powered by Bowtech's Synchronized Binary Cam System offering a speed rating of 318 fps. I was able to get grouping in a four-inch circle within a week and a half of shooting.

After raving about this bow I should come clean and tell you about the one flaw I’ve found. Brace yourself, it might be a deal breaker… I occasionally have to turn my peep hole back to center. Devastating news, I know.

All joking aside, when everything is said and done you absolutely cannot beat the overall value of the SB-1. The only way you’re going to get a better bow for your money is by spending more and buying a higher end bow. This bow can be fitted to anyone, and it’s so easy to use. I would recommend the bow to a beginner as quickly as I would a seasoned archer without hesitation. And trust me I have.

By Fontana Smith

August 23, 2016

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